Tis the Season

December 26, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Holy smokes! It's December already?!?! When did that happen? Wasn't it just Thanksgiving last week?

I swear, as you get older time speeds up exponentially.

Christmas this year was at the Sexauer house.

They got a huge tree! It was so big that there were over 150 ornaments hung from the branches.



First on the agenda was to eat! Here was the main course. Not pictured: snacks and dessert.



Here's Rachie looking for a little lovin'.



After everyone got their fill of food it was game time!

For the first game everyone was split into two teams. Looks like Shayne and Debbie are have a little bit of sibling rivalry.

The first team to successfully have each person peel Hershey kisses with mittens and feed it to the person behind them was the winner.

Shayne's geared up and ready to go...



Next game was to wrap a gift as fast as possible. Sounds easy right?

Well, how fast can you wrap a gift with a partner tied at the wrists?

Looks like there are a few tape issues.

Winner winner! Nate and Melissa finished well ahead of everyone.



Check out this little diva. She was hiding upstairs while the adults played games. I didn't make her pose that way!

She's on her way to breaking hearts!



A view of the games from above.



Debbie and the kids.



Auntie Jo and Izzy hanging out going over princesses.



"We've got to go to sleep so Santa will come!"

Happy Holidays!! 

Watch out! New Years is right around the corner!


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